Elaine.Triquetra's Blogspot

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Giveaway of the Day Elaine.Triquetra's Crochet Blogspot

Monday, October 17, 2005

Crochet thoughts:
Can we put our heads together to crochet this?
It seems to be made of doilies. Now to figure out

how to connect them. Even the sleeves are doilies
and they end up looking like they are scalloped,
as is the collar. I would assume you could use any
doily pattern, easy if you are new to crochet, more
detailed for the more experienced crocheter.
I actually found this at a site for selling at $79 !
If you want to see a larger picture of the duster,
go to www.http://www.newport-news.com and
use the keyword 9QM3625. You can even click
on the picture and make it larger. I don't think
the mercenized cotton would cost that much, do
you? Even if so, you could make this your own
by making the doilies in your favorite pattern
and know that it is made sturdy and with love
and care. I bought a tie-front sweater at a store
I won't mention and already it has had to be
fixed 3x from strings that fell out, just not made
well. I know that the one I am working on myself
won't be like that, after all I am making it myself.
Sure, the price was right, it was on sale for less
than the material would have cost, but getting
tired of sewing it back together.
So, lets hear from you on ideas on how we could

make this ourselves. I have already found a very
easy doily pattern (as I am a beginner) and plan
on starting making lots of doilies as soon as my
sweater is done.
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posted by elaine.triquetra @ 9:26 PM  


  • At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    E..Your hoody is great! The dusters really catch my eye, I think I may have a pattern for one of those somewhere around here. When I finish unpacking, I will try to locate it. I would love to have one of those...J

  • At 6:05 AM, Blogger elaine.triquetra said…

    You are kidding me right? A pattern for one? Woo-hoo! I figured I would just have to make lots of little doilies or coasters and just "wing it". Yippie!


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